
Gyroscope Sensors are used whenever rate of turn sensing is required without a fixed point of reference. The gyroscopes incorporate the latest silicon MEMS sensors and contain either analog or digital output. These sensors are used in high performance applications where precision measurement is required and deliver high performance of motion sensing even under severe shock and vibration. Therefore the gyroscope sensors are used in applications such as stabilization platforms, self-guided vehicles, computer pointing devices, aircrafts and customer devices like camera’s. Range from -75°/s up to 2,700°/s.

Gyroscope Sensors are used whenever rate of turn sensing is required without a fixed point of reference.

Angular velocity sensors wherever you want to measure the speed of rotation without a fixed point of reference. The sensor provides a DC voltage, proportional speed of rotation and input voltage. They are also characterized by high-performance motion recognition even with a strong shock and vibration. Contact us to buy gyroscopic sensors.

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